Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Who is Shiva?
Shiva is the meditative aspect of the entire Universe. Shiva pervades the entire Universe. He is in every atom of the Universe.

Shiva is the one energy that manifests itself in endless forms. Albert Einstein once said, "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another." That energy, which changes from one form to another, is called Shiva.

Shiva is that blissful and innocent consciousness that not only exists in every atom of the universe, but also in us. Celebrating the Shiva Tattva in oneself, is called Shivratri. Like sponge in water, when mind and bodies are in Shiva Tattva, wishes get fulfilled effortlessly.

"Ratri" means Night. Night is the time for rest and comfort. When all activities stop and everything becomes quiet and peaceful, the body goes to sleep. Shivaratri is a rest not only for the body, but also for the mind, intellect and ego.

Every individual needs to rest, and needs peace. There are three types of peace that one requires; one is material peace, if there is disturbance around you, one cannot sit and stay peaceful. One needs peace in your environment. The second is the peace in the body and mind. Third thing is peace in the soul. One may have peace in the atmosphere and may enjoy health in the body, to an extent peace in the mind, but if the soul is restless, nothing can comfort. So that peace is also essential. Only in the presence of all the three types of peace can there be complete peace. Without one, the other is incomplete. Shivaratri is transcendental, divine consciousness which brings solace to all layers of existence. Resting in Shiva Tattva, is called Shivratri.

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